You may deliver money to inmates in one of four ways:
Access Corrections makes it easy for you to deposit money directly to an inmate’s account without having to visit the jail facilities. Access Corrections charges a fee based on the type of transaction.
Call 1-866-345-1884 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to deposit money using a Visa or MasterCard (live bilingual agents are available).
Money can be deposited by using the kiosks in the lobby of the jail facilities. You can deposit the money at any facility regardless of where the inmate is housed as long as the inmate is in the custody of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office. Cash or credit card is accepted in the kiosk. The kiosk can’t make change and does not accept anything smaller than a $5.00 bill.
Please Note: Always put the name and booking number of the inmate on the front of the money order.
Cash or personal checks are not accepted via mail. If cash or personal checks are received at a jail facility, the envelope and its contents are marked "Return to Sender" and sent back.
Money that remains in an inmate’s account after his/her release may be claimed at the Sheriff’s Unclaimed Money website.
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